Saturday, December 8, 2012

... great deals

so i LOVE a great deal and i love to share them too!! starting today Old Navy, put jeans for the family on sale for $12-$25. great deal right?! well, to make it even sweeter, there is a $15 off $50 coupon too! but you've gotta hurry, the coupon expires tomorrow (12/9). just click on the link and print the page. the bar code is at the bottom.

happy shopping!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

... a jesse tree

"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" Luke 2:11 

so i built a jesse tree. i hadn't planned on it. we were already 
doing our advent calendar, along with other activities during our bible time.

but the excitement of the season came over me like a tidal wave.

He is coming.

 i had lots of bamboo shoots in the garage for another project. they would be perfect.

in year's past i've always wanted to do one, but we've just always done 
other things, the boys were too little, i was too tired, whatever. 

but this year is different. sure, i am still tired, still do too much and the boys 
are little, but something about this year...

it is Him. 

life moves a little easier (oh, i still have some moments), things are brighter, 
peace is greater, love is more abundant, joy is louder.

"He didn't come to make evil people good, He came to make dead people alive." - Joseph Prince

He transforms me. He moves me.

we all know that the exact date of His birth is not the 25th of december, 
but it doesn't matter. what matters is that He came. and it changed everything.

and i celebrate.

the tools i used... gorilla wood glue, the best. but the glue gun worked the best on the bamboo.

i am transformed by the revelation of His love for me. for you.

it's what separates. it makes all the difference. because it's all about Him.
not you and me, not how good we are (or bad). it's all about One Man. 


think about it. ever wondered why so many people are offended at the 
mention of His name. because it ALL came down on Him.

say it with me. Jesus. oh it just gives me chills!


if my children learn one thing about Jesus, it's that He loves them. 

no matter what. in Him, NOTHING can separate.

i have always loved this blog, she has a beautiful 
advent devotional to downloadit's all there - the ornaments, scripture, a prayer. 
it even has an activity of love to do. use all of it or just use part of it. do what works for your family!

ponder the wonder, the beauty. meditate on the love that One Man came to give.

for you. complete forgiveness because you can't and He did. 

i will leave you with this...

"that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ might dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." - Eph. 3:16-19

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

... fun finds

i love these shirts i found the other day! 

i stumbled across this Etsy shop while rummaging through Pinterest. i want to introduce you to Homeland Tees!

don't you think these would make a great gift for that special guy (or gal) in your life?! i know my husband would love one of the shirts (shhhh, don't tell)! of course, they have all the states and there are a couple of different options as far as color. 

plus they have stickers!

(photos courtesy of homeland tees)